PR N2,500.00
Streetwise Sales Letter N2,500.00
Wave 3 : The New Era in Network Marketing N2,400.00
Blue Ocean Strategy N1,550.00
Master Selling, Maximize Success N2,000.00
The Sales Bible : The Ultimate Sales Resource N3,000.00
Perfect Customer Care N1,650.00
Valuing Your Customers N2,900.00
Smart Marketing N2,000.00
Brand Hijack N1,800.00
Loyalty.Com N1,700.00
Make The Rules or Your Rivals Will. N2,500.00
Delighting your Customers N1,850.00
Competitor Targeting N2,400.00
Customer Management Excellence. N2,300.00
Risk Issues and Crisis Management in Public Relations N2,500.00
The Customer Revolution N2,000.00
Grow Your Service Firm N1,400.00
Relationship Marketing N2,000.00
Leverage N1,700.00
Consumer behavior : Science and Practice N3,000.00
Riding The Storm N3,700.00
Tough Calls N2,330.00
Big Bucks (Make serious money for you and your company) N1,200.00
Wave 4: Network Marketing in the 21st Century N2,400.00
You can't win a Fight with your Client N2,000.00
How to Write a Marketing Plan N1,200.00
Successful Customer Service N1,400.00
Brand Rejuvenation N2,500.00
The Ultimate N1,300.00
Brand Manners N2,500.00
Bridges To Customers Heart N3,500.00
Basic marketing N4,000.00
Hot Button Marketing N1,400.00
Ahead of The Game N1,800.00
Building A Service Culture N1,700.00
Basic Marketing N3,000.00
Boosting Sales N1,450.00
Value Sell N1,800.00
The Eight Competencies of Relationship Selling N2,300.00
The Marketing of Financial Services in Nigeria N4,000.00
Marketing of Financial Services N4,500.00
Selling in Tough Times N2,500.00
The 25 unbreakable laws of all time reference book for sales success N5,000.00
Ultimate Sales Tool Kit. N1,900.00
Women Make The Best Salesmen N1,000.00
Customers Are People N2,100.00
Waiting For Your Cat to Bark N2,000.00
Marketing Banking Service in Nigeria N3,000.00
The Deviant's Advantage N3,000.00
Killer Customer Care N2,000.00
Marketing of Financial Services N5,000.00
Amaze Your Customer N2,000.00
Cyber Marketing N600.00
The selling how to be an eagle in the marketplace N3,500.00
Exceeding Customer Expectations N3,000.00
What Clients Love N1,700.00
Walking Tall N1,500.00
Why We Buy. N2,000.00
Raving Fans N1,200.00
Brand New Brand Thinking N4,500.00
Total Access N2,950.00
Customer Service N2,000.00
Creating Passion Brands N2,300.00
Category Killers N2,000.00
Advertising Without An Agency Made Easy N2,500.00
Guerilla Marketing Excellence N1,350.00
Your Perfect Business Match N2,200.00
Event Management and Marketing N1,500.00
Killing The Sale N1,500.00
The Psychology of Selling N2,500.00
The Ultimate Selling Secret N2,100.00
Bag The Elephant N1,150.00
Ultimate Productivity N2,000.00
The art of selling: a practical approach to sales success N3,000.00
Win New Business N4,000.00
Foundation of Marketing Reasearch in Nigeria N1,000.00
God is A Salesman N1,500.00
Jump the Curve N3,300.00
The New Conceptual Selling N1,400.00
How Winners Sell N1,200.00
Ted Levitt on Marketing N2,500.00
Beyond The Brand N1,500.00
Sales Management N600.00
The New Strategic Selling N2,000.00
How To Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere. N1,200.00
Develop your Marketing Skills N1,200.00
The 5 Paths to Persuasion N1,500.00