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BANKING AND FINANCE > The Elements of Banking in Nigeria
Enterprise Project Governance N2,100.00
Examiners Report April 2011 Microfinance N500.00
Marketing of Banking Services N3,000.00
Risk Budgeting N4,900.00
The Soul of a Leader N4,000.00
Your Pregnancy - Qestions and Answers N1,900.00
Fair Hearing N3,500.00
The Urgly Duckling N250.00
Your Management Sucks N1,400.00
Africa Doesn't Matter N2,000.00
Examiners Report October 2012 Professional N500.00
Cults - Secret Sects and Radical Religions N2,000.00
Excellent Employment N1,750.00
Core Bank Management N1,600.00
Boosting Sales N1,450.00
Inferno N4,200.00
Martin Luther King Jr. N1,700.00
Microfinance Banking : Principle and Practice N3,000.00
Expanding the Frontier of Rural Financing N5,520.00
Defying The Odds N1,000.00