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MANAGEMENT > Operatios Management for Competitive Advantage
Project Management Disaster & how to survive them N1,700.00
The Dynamics of Strategy N1,400.00
In Their Time N3,000.00
Too Late to Say Goodbye N2,300.00
The Princess and the Pea N1,000.00
Leading at the Speed of Growth N2,000.00
You are Lonely When You are Dead. N680.00
Currency Management:overlay and alpha trading N4,500.00
Sales Management N600.00
Our Money, Our Movement N2,400.00
The Hare and The Tortoise N250.00
Hiring People N1,150.00
Africa Rise And Shine N9,000.00
Analysing Politics N1,700.00
Walk The Walk N1,500.00
Principled-Centered Leadership N1,750.00
The Secret N1,500.00
Landmarks in The Law N5,500.00
Brand Hijack N1,800.00