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LEADERSHIP > Jack Welch Lexicon of Leadership
The Warrior Mind N2,500.00
I've been Rich. I've been poor. Rich is Better N1,100.00
Currency Management:overlay and alpha trading N4,500.00
Marketing of Financial Services N3,800.00
The Nigerian Discount Market N1,200.00
Lending: Principles & Practice N2,500.00
The Only Sustainable Edge N2,000.00
The Secret of Grange Farm N1,000.00
75 Winning ways to Negotiate Real Estate N2,000.00
Formulation, Implementation, and Control of Competitive Strategy N3,000.00
How everybody can make money from Real Estate & never Lose N2,000.00
Created to be His Helpmeet N1,150.00
Getting Government Contract N1,900.00
Examiner's Report Oct 2012 Professional N500.00
Why Me ? N400.00
Be A People Person N1,070.00
Project Management for Non-Project Managers N2,100.00
How The Mighty Fall N2,000.00
The Effective Executive N2,000.00
Getting Unstuck N3,200.00