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BUSINESS > Business @ The Speed of Thought
Essential Office Handbook N550.00
Project Management Disaster & how to survive them N1,700.00
Achieving Fair Value N2,200.00
J.F Kennedy on Leadership N2,100.00
What Would Napoleon Hill Do N3,000.00
Don't Throw Away Tomorrow N1,300.00
The Customer Revolution N2,000.00
Outsmarting Goliath N1,200.00
My Way or the High Way N2,100.00
Global Business & International Finance N3,000.00
How to Write a Marketing Plan N1,200.00
Academic Medical Dictionary N1,500.00
Leadership N2,100.00
Chicken Licken N250.00
IFRS Official Pronouncement Effective 1 January 2013 N21,000.00
Guerilla Marketing Excellence N1,350.00
An Introduction to Financial Accounting N1,850.00
Swiss Family Robinson N1,000.00
Oxford Dictionary of Political Quotations N1,500.00
Examiner's Report April 2012 Certificate N500.00