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MANAGEMENT > Strategic Decision Making
A Student's Guide to IFRS N8,000.00
Risk Budgeting N4,900.00
Examiner's Report April 2013 Certificate N500.00
The Deviant's Advantage N3,000.00
Oral & written advocay N15,000.00
Dictionary and the Language of Banking N3,000.00
Leadership Gold N1,000.00
The Ten Commandements for Business Failure N2,100.00
Attitude is Everything N1,100.00
Credit Risk N5,600.00
Getting Paid In International Trade N2,000.00
EXECUTION the spirit of getting things done N1,200.00
Managers As Facilitators N2,500.00
Develop your Marketing Skills N1,200.00
The Market is Always Right N3,000.00
Education and Social Change N1,500.00
J.F Kennedy on Leadership N2,100.00
Positive thinking, Positive living N2,200.00
Customer Management Excellence. N2,300.00
Pirates, Terrorists and Warlords N3,000.00