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BANKING AND FINANCE > The Nigerian Maladapted Financial System
In GOD's Name N1,500.00
The Day's Work N800.00
Americanah N4,900.00
75 Winning ways to Negotiate Real Estate N2,000.00
Customer Service N2,000.00
Advancing Through Adversity N1,700.00
The Art of War H/C N1,800.00
Constitutional Law and Military Rule in Nigeria N2,500.00
The Soul of a Leader N4,000.00
Management and Cost Accounting N3,100.00
Getting Unstuck N3,200.00
God's Road Map for Life. N1,000.00
Essentials of Small Business Management N2,000.00
Formulation, Implementation, and Control of Competitive Strategy N3,000.00
Category Killers N2,000.00
Education and Social Change N1,500.00
Exemplary C.E.O N3,500.00
Hitler's Secret Book N1,100.00
Drives and Task in Bank Marketing N4,200.00
Auditing and Investigation N2,500.00