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INSTITUTE PUBLICATIONS > Examiners Report April 2011 Microfinance
The New Conceptual Selling N1,400.00
Examiners Report April 2011 Microfinance N500.00
Drives and Task in Bank Marketing N4,200.00
Financial Management N3,500.00
Mastery N2,950.00
High Performance Business Strategy N3,500.00
What Would Napoleon Hill Do N3,000.00
International Financial Reporting and Analysis N3,200.00
The Tipping Point N1,550.00
Innovation & best practices in public sector reforms N5,500.00
Corporate Strategy N3,850.00
Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice N4,500.00
Management Information System N2,800.00
The Princess and the Pea N1,000.00
Corporate Finance N5,000.00
Expanding the Frontier of Rural Financing N5,520.00
The Art of Leadership N2,500.00
Bank Management; Principles and Practice N4,500.00
Management of Banking N5,800.00
You can't win a Fight with your Client N2,000.00