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INSTITUTE PUBLICATIONS > Examiners Report October 2012 Professional
Going The Extra Smile N700.00
Surviving A Downturn N1,850.00
Secrets of Powerful Women N1,500.00
Successful Communication N1,200.00
Advanced Sexual Techniques N1,800.00
Advanced Backyard Fish Farming N900.00
Sex, Lies and Politics N1,500.00
Killer Customer Care N2,000.00
Total Access N2,950.00
IFRS for Dummies N5,600.00
Managing Network Resources N3,500.00
Building Sustainable PUBLIC/PRIVATE Partnership N3,500.00
Greatest Speeches of Historical Black Leaders N1,000.00
Training with the Midas Touch N1,700.00
Banker's Lending Techniques N2,500.00
Proceedings of The National Seminar on Banking & Allied Matters for Judges 2006 N1,000.00
Six Pillars for Abundant Living N1,150.00
Entrepreneurship in a changing environment N5,000.00
Financial Accounting solutions manual N5,000.00