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INSTITUTE PUBLICATIONS > Proceedings of the National Seminar on Banking & Allied Matters for Judges 2012
Corporate Governance in Nigeria : Law & Practice N9,000.00
Big Bucks (Make serious money for you and your company) N1,200.00
Accounting Information System N3,000.00
Active Investing N2,000.00
Essentials of Management N2,000.00
Understanding Microfinance N1,500.00
Michelle Obama N1,500.00
High Impact Middle Management N1,500.00
The One Minute Negotiator N2,000.00
The Hare and the Tortoise N500.00
Toyota Culture N3,200.00
God is A Salesman N1,500.00
Retail Financial Srevices N3,500.00
The Power of Habit N1,300.00
Creative Capitalism N4,500.00
International Corporate and Investment Banking - practice and law N2,500.00
Corporate Financial Security Analysis & Portfolio Mgt N4,000.00
Power and Choice N3,000.00
Matsushita Leadership N5,000.00
Financial Institutions(BOFIA) N2,500.00