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INSTITUTE PUBLICATIONS > The Nigeria Banker July - September 2011
Grow Your Service Firm N1,400.00
Why Me ? N400.00
Banking Law and Mortgages in Nigeria N5,000.00
The New Capitalist N3,000.00
Little Book Of Big Ideas N1,150.00
Getting Paid In International Trade N2,000.00
Financial Markets and Institutions N4,900.00
Enjoy A Happy Home N750.00
Smart Working N1,700.00
Successful Customer Service N1,400.00
Arrican Giant Snail and Snail Farming N500.00
Arbitration & Conciliation Act Companion N2,000.00
Christine of the Fourth N1,000.00
Monetary Economics N2,500.00
Why Entrepreneurs should eat Bananas N1,150.00
Examiners Report April 2011 Intermediate N500.00
Management in the Financial Services Industry N5,000.00
Commercial & Banking Law N10,000.00
How to build your own House within months on your present income N2,000.00