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INSTITUTE PUBLICATIONS > The Nigerian Banker April -June 2012
Formulation, Implementation, and Control of Competitive Strategy N3,000.00
Marketing of Financial Services N3,800.00
Marketing of Financial Services N5,000.00
Adaptability N1,700.00
Profit for the Poor; Cases in Micro finance N4,500.00
The Nigerian legal method N6,500.00
Market Busters N2,800.00
A Guide to Islamic (Non - Interst) Banking N2,500.00
The Three Billy Goats Gruff N250.00
Managerial Economics N2,800.00
Performance Appraisal that Works N2,000.00
Raising Kids with Character That Lasts N1,150.00
What Every Man Wants in A Woman N1,000.00
Motivating People For Improved Performance N2,300.00
What Makes The Great Great N900.00
Change Better N1,150.00
Lessons from the Financial Crises N4,900.00
Introduction to Finance N2,000.00
The 48 Laws of Power N900.00
Currency Management:overlay and alpha trading N4,500.00