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INSTITUTE PUBLICATIONS > The Nigerian Banker January -March 2013
Dictionary of Business N2,400.00
Banking Law,Ethics and Corporate Governance N6,000.00
With God All Things Are Possible N1,000.00
Opposites N250.00
The Joy of Marriage God's Way N700.00
Arbitration & Conciliation Act Companion N2,000.00
Waiting For Your Cat to Bark N2,000.00
Defying The Odds N1,000.00
The Audit Process N3,000.00
Relationship Marketing N2,000.00
Make Yours A Winning Team N2,000.00
The Effective Executive N2,000.00
Churchill on Leadership N2,000.00
Make The Rules or Your Rivals Will. N2,500.00
Category Killers N2,000.00
Essential of money and banking N4,500.00
What the Dog Saw N1,550.00
Secrets of Self Employment N1,500.00
Banking Professional Examinations Regulations and Syllabus N600.00