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New Diploma and Professional Examination

The New Syllabus Examination is in two stages viz: Diploma and Professional Examination. The Professional Examination consists of two levels: the Intermediate Professional level and the Chartered Banker Level.

A transition period of one year (i.e. 2 examination diets) commencing from January 2014 will be allowed. In other words, the old Syllabus and the new Syllabus will run concurrently for one year (2014) i.e. both will be used for April 2014 and October 2014 Professional Examinations. The new syllabus will thereafter constitute the only basis for the Examination from April 2015 diet. Subjects hitherto passed in the Old Syllabus will be carried as passed in the New Syllabus.


Diploma Examination
S/N Description Amount (=N=)
1 One(1) Subject 8,000:00
2 Two(2) Subjects 11,000:00
3 Three(3) Subjects 15,000:00
4 Four(4) Subjects 20,000:00
5 Five(5) Subjects 25,000:00
6 Six(6) Subjects 30,000:00
Intermediate Professional Level
S/N Description Amount (=N=)
1 One(1) Subject 15,000:00
2 Two(2) Subjects 22,500:00
3 Three(3) Subjects 30,000:00
4 Four(4) Subjects 37,500:00
5 Five(5) Subjects 45,000:00
6 Six(6) Subjects 52,000:00

Chartered Banker Level
S/N Description Amount (=N=)
1 One(1) Subject 20,000:00
2 Two(2) Subjects 30,000:00
3 Three(3) Subjects 40,000:00
4 Four(4) Subjects 50,000:00
5 Five(5) Subjects 60,000:00
6 Six(6) Subjects 70,000:00